《Black on Black》
油墨 Ink 紙張Paper 2011-
《Black on Black》系列,《Black on Black》是利用版畫的技巧將影像印製在紙張上,使用的紙張與印製的油墨皆為黑色因取名為《Black on Black》。在印製過程中很難清楚的知道,實際印出的結果。作品探討兩個面向1.自我修行,印製的反複與繁複,不斷重複的動作形成一種肉體與精神力的拉鋸戰,利用這樣的過程思考此回憶對於自己的意義。2.探討何謂真實,影像的真實與心中的回憶往望未必相同,當出現抵觸時何者將會是真實的?
一個人活著就會記得些什麼,腦海中總是承載著一些影像,反覆回味。然而記憶很奇妙,會因為時間的關係慢慢地淡化,淡化那一刻的感受,那一刻的影像。最後我們所謂的記憶仍然深刻,卻可能變得不夠真實。無法記得許多經歷過的事情,我開始利用攝影,想要留下那永恆的瞬間,卻還是無法精確地留下那一刻的感受。利用版畫技法,能將擷取的那一瞬間反覆的再製與重現,不斷地確認這個回憶的真實性,試圖感受那時候的感受。但也可能在過程中強化或失去了某些記憶 。回憶如同印出來的畫面,清晰可見卻又模糊不清,而我,在創作的過程中,回憶我的回憶。
“Black on Black” series uses printmaking techniques to print photographs on black paper. These artworks tell the story of the contradiction of mental and physical, the repetition and complexity of printmaking, and how the printing process affect me, the artist. The prints question the authenticity of photos: What it real? Is it our memories or is it photography?
Being human, living, breathing in this world. We are always remembering some special moment. We always carry some memory. However, those memories will slowly fade, because the time passed. We will forget the special moments, we will forget how we felt in those moments. Then at the end, the memories are still profound, but maybe is not what really happened. When I recall my memory, It’s always like fog, I can see it, but when I try to look closely, it become a blur. I use photography to catch the moment, but still can’t quite capture the accuracy, there is always something missing.
Through the complex printmaking process, I repeatedly dip in my own memory. When I print, I try to reproduce the detail of the moment., I try to remember what that moment felt like.. Through the complex printmaking process, I’m getting something and missing something.